10 Things You Should Never Let a Puppy Do

1)Jump on or off furniture until minimum 11 months - constant jumping for a young pup can damage their undeveloped joints.
2)Chew a show that you don't care about - Dog's can't differentiate between a old shoe and a new shoe.
3)Pull on leash - If you let your puppy pull on a lead, you're teaching him that pulling gets what he wants.
4) Go ahead of you through doors - Letting your pup run out of any door ahead of you is dangerous, you never know who or what will be on the other side, it could be a aggressive dog that would attack your pup and now you have a dog that is fear aggressive at other dogs.
5)Chase other animals, such as a cat, squirrel, bird ect. - It's cute and funny when they're young because they can't catch it, but when they're older it becomes prey and sometimes obsessions.
6)Touch his or her teeth to human flesh - if a pup never touches his or her teeth to human flesh they will never learn from it. If you let your pup chew on your hand he or she learns that it's 'okay' to chew/bite other people and that may be a small child or baby.
7)Thrust against a person or object - This is usually just excitement especially as the pup is coming into sexual maturity, but you want to show your pup that they are not allowed to thrust against objects or people or dogs (use a positive interrupter).
8)Eat then exercise right away - After you feed your pup wait 45 mins before any strenuous exercising and after any exercising wait 30-45 mins before feeding. This will help the muscles calm down and work at their proper pace. If you feed too soon before or after the bowels move very quickly and can cause diarrhea and twisted stomachs for you pup.
9)Eat his or her feces or other dog's feces -(use a positive interrupter to redirect, such as a whistle or the dog's name in a happy tone). For puppies, this is quite normal, they explore with their mouths and feces happens to be on the ground everywhere. After 6 months old it should stop only if you have been consistent with not allowing it (using your + interrupter), if it continues into adult hood you should check with your vet for pica or an underlining medical problem.
10)Barking that lasts longer then 10 seconds.- Barking is NORMAL for a dog to do, quite like us speaking, but excessive barking is a whole other story. The main culprit for puppies excessive barking is attention getting, at some time they learnt that when they bark they got what they wanted, whether this be attention, food, potty break or whatever. The best way to stop the barking is not to make it reinforcing. If your puppy is barking at you to play or get attention, ignore him or her and wait until they STOP barking for a moment then give attention.

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