How to Read Your Dogs Body Language

Let's Play
This is a classical look at two dogs who are just about to play. The Yorkie is ready at any second to run and hopefully have Oscar chase him.
Body - tails up but not over back, ears half mass, body tilted back indicating ready to run, focussed on one another.
Puppy Licking
Puppy licking is a submissive gesture and you may even see older dogs do this behaviour too as to appease a authority figure. In human words "Don't harm me, I'm no threat."

Body Posture -ears back, squinty eyes, head reaching up, tail tucked sometimes.

Luna is meeting sheep for the first time in her life and she is telling me and the sheep that she's not liking this one bit! She's pretending that the sheep are not there, "I don't see you! So you don't see me!"

Body - whale eyes (you can see the whites), ears back, looking away, braced legs, tail low even tucked.

As you can see her leash is very loose, giving her the freedom to run if she chose to. The sheep are pointed away from her face (as face-to-face is threatening especially for a dog who is already scared of the situation).

After a few minutes, Luna has decided that the sheep may not be a threat and now curiosity has kicked in, she wants to see what they're about.

Body - ears forward, braced legs (incase she needs to run), tail low even tucked (little scared still), eyes and nose forward on sheep.

Concern about Possession
All play has stopped because there is now tension between Luna and Jet (black BC). As you can see all other dogs are looking away, "we're no threat."

Body- stillness, body stiff (tension), orientation of dogs nose, staring at the threat (Jet), tail low or down.

Jet is a bit oblivious at this time (as both BC's are only 6 months old, siblings), he just wants to play, although Luna being scared that her precious wood will be taken.

Guarding - Warning
 Jet (black BC) is coming a little too close for her comfort now, so Luna is guarding the piece of wood underneath and gives Jet what is called a "soft look''.

Body - ears back but not always they can be up and forward, object is usually underneath dog, head may be pointed forward but eyes follow the dog that is too close for comfort, stillness (calm before the storm).

If you look at Jet (black BC) he is communicating wonderfully! Sniffing to let Luna know, "it's okay, I'm no threat and not interested in what you have."

Our dogs are communication with us every second of the day, we just don't notice because alot of the time it's very subtle. Here are a couple other body language tips:

Sniffing - Can mean 'no harm here', calming them self down if stressed, or just a good smell!
Yawning - Can mean 'I'm no threat', 'calming them self down if stressed, calming other dogs or people around if the energy is too high, sleep.
Stressed - Panting, worried look (eye muscles aren't relaxed), sniffing, yawning, scratching, dandruff, sweaty paws, pacing.

If you're interested in learning more about Canine Body Language I highly recommend "Canine Body Language" by Brenda Aloff. This is a photographic guide to interpreting the native language of the domestic dog.  You'll find yourself understanding your dog as well as others much more.

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