Before Adding A Dog

In my line of work, you see a lot of what you would call "impulse buys", meaning they bought a dog because it was physically appealing to them. Short time after the characteristics of the breed(s) come out and the owners don't like them, they wanted a fat lazy dog but they happen to have bought a Jack Russell Terrier.

This article will (I hope) help anyone who is searching online about information before buying/adopting a dog. 

When ADOPTING a dog, many times you don't know the breed(s) so you're really in for a surprise, this is what the rescue group or shelter is there for. Let them know exactly what you want out of a companion and they will match you with the dog that is best suited for your lifestyle.

Before Adding to the 'Already There' Canine Family

Another issue is their dog has issues with other dogs or it has an incredible amount of energy that the owners don't know how to control/fix. So they decide that getting a second dog will fix the problem(s).

WRONG 99% of the time.......

Never get a second dog before the first dog is PERFECT in your eyes. By adding another dog to the mix of an already out of control dog, you're just going to have two out of control dogs. Dogs learn from each other especially a younger dog looking up to an older dog, many of the times you just bought your dog a partner in crime.

There have been many times where I have desperately wanted to adopt a dog but I know better then to bring a dog into my home when I was still working on Luna's issues. I'm happy to say that now Luna is 3 years old and my fantastic four legged friend I will be searching for the next addition.
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Great Example

I loved this commercial when I saw it yesterday. This is a great example of what PRT is all about.

Not reacting towards a bad behaviour, manage and ignore it.
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Beautiful Video

This video shows an owner who has used a clicker to train her puppy many different commands and tricks with a clicker! It's so nice to watch how much FUN both are having.
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Get A Beer - Teach Your Dog How-to

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Now Offering Online Obedience Programs

I am so happy to be finally be offering ONLINE OBEDIENCE PROGRAMS on my webpage.

This was a huge challenge for me for the past year with wanting to expand PRT's methods and ethics to anyone that would listen, soon people were trying it, loving it and wanting to know more.Not long after I was being asked on a regular basis if people who lived in Europe, Thailand, Brazil, USA and even across Canada could somehow purchase my 6 session obedience program, of course I had to say no but it really got to me that there were people wanting to train their dog with PRT and I had to say no just because of miles or ocean inbetween, the best I could do was refer them to books and online reading but this didn't help them as much as they wanted.
So after months of perfecting the programs with successful clients, I present to you......

(click the picture to be transferred to my Online Obedience Program page).

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Roll Over Trick

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