DoGGy SmOOthies!

Doggy smoothies are absolutely wonderful for your dog and great for the environment!

We all are guilty of wasting food at one time to another, good thing you have a garbage disposal on four legs that doesn't charge you!

Doggie smoothies allow the dog to get some extra nutrients and us to clean out our fridge without dumping fruits, veggies or meat in the garbage and letting it go to waste just because it's not looking too appetizing anymore.

Just today I made a zucchini, carrot, banana, strawberry, green leaf and beef smoothie. Just cut up the items and throw them in a food processor or blender with some liquid - I just used water as I tend to stay away from chicken/beef broth unless I make it myself and has no salt in it.

After some pureeing, you end up with something that looks like wet dog food. You can add rice in it to thicken it up.
For all the extra, I just freeze them in muffin tins and take them out and put them in a Ziploc bag. Each day when I give Luna one I just leave it on the counter over night to dethaw.

I've been doing this for 2 years for Luna and her coat is silky and shiny, she's a incredibly healthy dog that recovers from cuts and scrapes overnight (oh yah, she's a little daredevil in the bush). All the veggies are raw so you don't loose nutrients by cooking them, plus it's ground up small enough where it's easy for the dog's stomach to digest it and you won't see little bits of veggies come out in their poop.

Doggy Smoothies are NOT meant to be a dog's only diet, this is just for added nutrients paired with a quality grade kibble or raw diet.

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