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Raw Food Diet

To Go Raw Or Not To

There is a lot of debate on whether feeding your dog raw food (BARF) is healthy or not, whether the dog can contract salmonella or other parasites. In my experience, as long as your dog is healthy (no underlying conditions) the raw diet is GREAT! I, however, do not feed raw every day because it is very costly so I feed her a raw meal once a week and raw bones (beef knuckles) once a week as well to keep her teeth nice and white because the last thing I want is to deal with dental bills at the age of 5.

Here is a list of vegetables you can put in your raw meal:
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Green/Red leaf lettuce
  • Parsley
  • Beets
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Yams/Sweet/Russet/Yukon potato's
  • Spinach
List of Meats you can put in:
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Buffalo
  • Deer
  • Rabbit
  • Moose
  • Chicken Eggs (just the yolk)
STEP 1 - The Veggies
Chop/grind all your veggies together ( I find the smaller the better, otherwise they can pick through and get the better meaty pieces)

I've used, carrots, spinach, parsley, apples, pears, half cooked yam's & potato's and kale in this recipe but I have made many batches with beets too (it stains everything!) and blue berries if they're in season.

Step 2 - The Meat
I used a 2kg inside round beef cut, chicken backs and necks and chicken bone meal.

Usually I add an organ meat but my butcher didn't have any fresh this time so I've opted to continue without any. 

Cut as much of the fat off from the cut of beef, DON'T THROW IT OUT dog;'s LOVE the fatty parts, I just cut it up into 1 inch pieces and throw them in at the end (gives a little meaty chunk every now and again).

This should leave you with beef that has little fat in it so you can grind it up! Throw this into grinder or food processor if it can handle it and chop away!

(here is the beef meat all ground up and into the mixing bowl)

Add all the fat chunks back in the bowl

Step 3 - Bones


Add the chicken bone meal (you can find this at most butcher shops) this is chicken bones ground up with chicken meat and very inexpensive to purchase.

  • Take your chicken backs and necks and cut them into 3 inch pieces (for easy packing).

So here is what everything should look like

leaving out the cut up chicken backs and necks
Step 5 - Packaging
Grab the scale!
  • You should be feeding your dog 1%-2% of his or her body weight per day
  • 1 lb equals 450g
I pack everything in a sandwich bag adding in 1-2 pieces of chicken back in with every bag, weigh it out and zip it up, flatten it and freeze it. When you flatten it, this makes for quicker defrosting.
To defrost, just put in the fridge the night before

ENJOY! Your dog will LOVE it!

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